
2019-03-13 17:35:00

原文名称:    Plant Variety Patent Law

关键词:    白俄罗斯 植物新品种 植物育种权 UPOV Belarus plant variety right plant breeder'right


摘要:   This Law concerns the protection of plant varieties in Belarus. Article 2 includes a list of definitions of terms used within the Act including protected variety that means a variety registered in the Official Register of Protected Varieties of the Republic of Belarus and creator (breeder) of a variety that means the person who, by his creative activity, bred the variety. A variety shall be granted legal protection where the variety is new, distinct, uniform and stable (art. 2). The variety shall be deemed to be distinct if it is clearly distinguishable from any other variety whose existence, at the date of the filing of the application. The right to a variety is protected by the State and shall be attested by a plant variety patent issued by the State Patent Office. The plant patent shall produce its effects for 25 years following the date of registration of the variety in the Register of Protected Varieties (art. 3). There are detailed provisions relating to the rights and duties of owners of plant patents (art. 6). The performance of any legal acts in relation to plant patents shall be subject to the payment of plant patent fees and charges (art. 37).



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Email: BJzongke@163.com
地址: 北京市延庆区北京世园公园种业孵化基地办公楼